Kellie Johannik's blog

April 2018 Opera and Dido's Lament

Opera and Dido's Lament by Purcell

  Open a discussion with your students with:        

What is opera?

What are your experiences with opera?   Do you like it?   Have you ever been to one?

Might you consider going to one?

How does opera compare to the Broadway musical?

What impact did opera have on western society?  How important is it as an art form?

True or false: 

Opera was as popular in the 1600’s as sports and movies are today.  True!

January 2018 Listening Quiz

Start the year off with some great Listening as an Event!  Send your students some links to great masterworks. Give them a couple of weeks to become friends with them. Then, gather together for a listening quiz!  Give bonus points if they can remember the composer, era, and performance styles! Here is a sample quiz:


1.  Brandenberg Concerto No. 5,  allegro


Baroque / J. S. Bach


May 2017 Sonata Allegro Form

Sonata Allegro Form


Sonata Allegro Form             

Many musicians play sonatas. These must be differentiated from sonata allegro form. A sonata is a piece for instruments and derives is name from the Latin, sonare, meaning “to sound”.  The term refers to a piece that is sounded forth by a non-vocal instrument. Cantata refers to a piece that is sung, stemming from the Latin cantare meaning “to sing”.  Sonatas can utilize sonata allegro form.

April 2017 Instrument Families

One of the first steps in teaching students to understand art music and listening is to acquaint them with the unique characteristics and timbres of orchestral instruments and instrumental families. Students can explore each of these instruments on the Classics for Kids website. Easy navigation tools lead them to information, pictures, and sound clips of each instrument. The site also provides other interactive musical activities including games.