Grants & Awards




Local Association Matching Grant: A matching grant that provides assistance to Local Associations and Student Chapters in Colorado for the educational and professional development of teachers, as well as support and promotion of music in the immediate community. Contact current Treasurer. Application deadline each year is October 1. 


Across the Divide Grant: A grant whose goal is to encourage attendance at the annual CSMTA conference by members who must travel at least 450 miles roundtrip to the conference. CSMTA will reimburse IRS business standard mileage for long distance travel to the conference for groups of 4 or more.
Application deadline each year is November 1.


National Conference Registration Fee Assistance GrantA grant that provides CSMTA members who have recently graduated from college financial assistance to attend the national MTNA conference. Please, contact Dr. Jennifer Hayghe at for any questions or to submit your grant application. Application deadline: January 15, 2024.




Teacher of the Year Award: An award given to a Nationally Certified Teacher of Music in Colorado during the Local Association Luncheon. Local Associations nominate teachers in their associations. Application forms are due on May 12, 2025. Send to the current President-elect.


Local Association of the Year: An award to recognize one Local Association from among the many outstanding local affiliates the CSMTA holds up the recent dynamics of a particular group as a model of excellence and professionalism. Contact the current VP for Local Associations.


Other Funding Opportunities for CSMTA Teachers and Students


Disaster Relief Fund: The CSMTA Disaster Relief fund was established in January 2022 to assist teacher members and their students affected by a natural disaster, initially to assist those affected by the Marshall Fire disaster. To apply for funds, click on the application. To donate to this fund, please visit our Donate page. 

Memorial Fund: This fund provides monies for teacher education, and student CSMTA/MTNA audition/travel expenses, among other items. Please consider DONATING to this fund!


MTNA Funding Opportunities


MTNA Teacher Enrichment Grants. Deadlines are in early May. Please consult the MTNA website for application and exact dates.