Student Theory Activity

2025 STA Theory Stars Event
Registration deadline:
 March 15, 2025
Event date:  April 12, 2025, Lamont School of Music
Deadline to submit test results to chair: May 15, 2024
Chair: Uri Ayn Rovner


The purpose of theory activity is to stimulate and recognize theory competency among all Colorado music students. Study Guides, sample test questions, and workbooks are available on and from Keynote Independent Theory Service (KITS) and are suitable for piano, voice and instruments other than piano. Test levels range from Primary to Advanced (“step” levels Primary through Step 6) and are based on knowledge, not age. Tests are appropriate for 2nd year students through advanced high school students.  Tests include a written exam demonstrating notational reading skills; and beginning with Step 1, a listening and playing test, which correspond to the “step”—the level—the teacher has determined for the student.  For further information about the KITS music theory program, please visit the KITS website,

Students will receive a Certificate of Participation from CSMTA as well as a Certificate of Merit from the KITS program. Students may earn CMTSA STA medals for scores of excellence: bronze for 80-89%, silver for 90-94%, gold 95% and above. Students earning 90% and above will be listed on the State Honor Roll, the CSTMA Website, and the summer Notes & News. Students may test at the locations and dates listed above or at a participating local association. 

Please visit the Student Activity Handbook for Application and Description Information, Teacher Eligibility and Entry Fees, and Guidelines for Local/Regional Theory Testing.