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2020 Student Theory Activity Results

CSMTA salutes participating students and teachers in Annual STA testing! Despite social distancing, students and teachers worked together to create a platform for quality theory testing. Students tested through Rising Stars (via their teacher’s studios), as well as through CMTA and DEMTA.

In total, forty-seven students participated in testing, thirty-seven earning a spot on the CSMTA Honor Roll, from nine different member teachers! All participants earned a CSMTA Certificate, a CSMTA Bronze medal for 80-89%, a silver medal for 90-94.5%, and a gold medal for 95% and above. Thank you to Mary Beth Shaffer, NCTM, Anna Lutsky, Dr. Joan Sawyer, Uri Ayn Rovner, Lori Naes, Deborah Turnbull, Seung Mee-oh, Arlyce Black, and Kellie Johannik for preparing students for State theory Testing through KITS! Students were tested on theory, vocabulary, ear training, and technic. Visit the link below for a list of the students who made the 2020 CSMTA Honor Roll.

2020 STA Results
2020 STA Photos

2020 Student Theory Activity Results

2019 Concerto Competition Photos

Winners of the 2019 CSMTA Concerto Competition perform with the Aurora Symphony Orchestra. Photo credit goes to ASO photographer Brian Molitoris.

2019 Concerto Competition Photos
