LA Presidents' Packet

Local Association President Packet

Thank you for taking a leadership role in your association. Below are several documents which you will need over the next year to fulfill your role as Local Association President. You are the communication point between CSMTA and your MTA. As CSMTA Vice President for Local Associations, it is my job to communicate with you and through you, to your local membership. I will communicate with you periodically throughout the year to pass on information and to remind you of report deadlines.

Review the documents now, keep in mind that some of the reports enclosed are not due until next year. Please familiarize yourself with these documents and the deadline dates for the forms and the reports.

Amy Erhard, VP for Local Associations

Local Association President's Packet

Click here to download the Local Association President's Packet (pdf file). This is your STARTING POINT. Please be sure to become very familiar with its content. It lists all responsibilities, deadlines and contact information.


No deadline

IRS e-mail card for Non-profis-- Information on filing
This form DOES have a deadline, but it may be a different one for different Local Associations. Read the above file carefully! The IRS may have sent the "postcard" form to your previous Treasurer if you did not file a contact change with the IRS last year. 

Video and photo release form
CSMTA recommends this Photo and Video Authorization and Release Form for use at all CSMTA or CSMTA Local Association sanctioned events where such permission is applicable. This form is to be displayed and offered at event registrations.  An announcement about the release form should be made during an event, and for late arrivals.  A copy of the completed list may then accompany the event report.

May Deadline

Local Association Officers Form

Due May 1

Do you have suggestions for CSMTA? Use the form below to submit them to the VP of Local Associations. Thank you!

Local Association President Feedback Form  

Year End Report. Due May 1.
Click on your Local Association below. You will see the information you filled last year. Replace it with this year's information. The form is saved automatically. You can leave it unfinished and return to it later.

Aurora MTA Boulder MTA Broomfield MTA Columbine MTA
Denver MTA Douglas-Elbert MTA Foothills MTA Fort Collins MTA
Four Corners MTA Grand Junction MTA Greeley MTA Montrose MTA
Pikes Peak MTA South Suburban MTA Southern Colorado MTA  

August Deadline

To all CSMTA local association program chairs: The October issue of Notes & News is a very important issue as it includes a listing of all programs presented for the past year at local association meetings. Please download this program form and enter the program information for your Local Association.

Email your form as a word document to Amy Erhard and Dr. Janice Saffir by August 10.