President's Packet

Local Association President Packet

Thank you for taking a leadership role in your association. Below are several documents which you will need over the next year to fulfill your role as Local Association President. You are the communication point between CSMTA and your MTA. As CSMTA Vice President for Local Associations, it is my job to communicate with you and through you, to your local membership. I will communicate with you periodically throughout the year to pass on information and to remind you of report deadlines.

Review the documents now, keep in mind that some of the reports enclosed are not due until next year. Please familiarize yourself with these documents and the deadline dates for the forms and the reports.

- Gabrielle Dugan. VP for Local Associations

No deadline

FORM 1 (PDF). Information for Local MTA Presidents' Responsibilities (2 pages)
Highlights topics and reports for MTA Presidents

FORM 2 (PDF). CSMTA Local Association Presidents Contacts and Deadlines (1page).
Lists communication contacts and report / form deadlines

FORM 3 (PDF). CSMTA Local Association President's Timeline (2 pages).
Reminder for meetings, report deadlines, and pertinent topics

FORM 9 (PDF). IRS e-mail card for Non-profis-- information on filing

FORM 11 (PDF). Guidelines on Student Theory Activity

Video and photo release form
CSMTA recommends this Photo and Video Authorization and Release Form for use at all CSMTA or CSMTA Local Association sanctioned events where such permission is applicable. This form is to be displayed and offered at event registrations.  An announcement about the release form should be made during an event, and for late arrivals.  A copy of the completed list may then accompany the event report.

May Deadline

FORM #6 (online form). New Board Members List
Due May 1

FORM #8. End of the year Report to CSMTA. Due May 1. Click on your Local Association below:

Aurora MTA Boulder MTA Broomfield MTA Columbine MTA
Denver MTA Doublas-Elbert MTA Foothills MTA Fort Collins MTA
Four Corners MTA Grand Junction MTA Greeley MTA Loveland MTA
Montrose MTA Pikes Peak MTA South Suburban MTA Southern Colorado MTA
MTA Suburban Northwest      

June Deadline

FORM #4 (online form). CSMTA Website Form due immediately by June 10. 
Important contact information for the CSMTA website

August Deadline

FORM #5 (online form). Local Association Meetings, due by Aug. 15
Listing of your monthly meeting programs for the October Notes & News

October Deadline

FORM 10 (PDF). Local Association Matching Grant Program Application

March Deadline

FORM #7 (PDF). Criteria for the CSMTA Teacher for the Year Award