DAMTA Fall Course with Hsing-ay Hsu starts Sept. 11
Posted by acremaschi on Saturday, 14 September 2013
The Fall Course organized by DAMTA starts on September 11, and runs every other Wednesday for the next 7 weeks at 10AM. The title of this Fall's series is "Concious Listening" and is taught by pianist Hsing-ay Hsu.
This 7-session course will cover 14 topics and a final listening review session. Expect to: Increase your vocabulary of compositional terms; hear details more clearly; respond to music with your own emotions and memories and make performance decisions with the character in mind.
Each week will include Prof. Hsu’s lecture and demonstration. Participants are encouraged to perform sections of their own repertoire for application practice. This can be scheduled at the time of registration.
Find details at DAMTA's Facebook Page